Saturday, February 27, 2010

Baking Day

When I used to go visiting teaching with Janet Gamble, she used to have loaves of freshly-made home-made bread on her counter. Two things amazed me about it: first, that she got it done so early in the mornings, and secondly, even more amazing to me was that she had not cut into one loaf of that delicious looking bread to sneak a taste. Now, that was discipline!

Me, I love to eat some good home-made bread. But, I love to share it too. I always think of more people to give it to, than I have loaves of bread. So, I guess I'll just keep making it!

1 comment:

  1. Your loaves are perfection. And I can never make bread without cutting immediately into one hot loaf either. I spent my day baking as well. I made 4 loaves of banana bread and 4 dozen hot rolls. I've eaten more than my share of bread today.

    On another note, Porter was deciding which book he wanted to take for his 'read-in' at school this week, and Bill brought him a very old copy of "Cheaper by the Dozen." Bill told Porter of his memory of you reading this to his 7th grade class, and how much he loved it. He also told him how you would use one red pen and see how long into the school year it would take for it to run out of ink. Fun memories. And so fun to hear him reminisce like that!
