Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday - Self Portrait

I'm not big on taking my own pictures, but as I headed out the door for church on Sunday, I thought I'd try a photo technique my kids do sometimes. So, I snapped a picture....please note:

pictures gone from the walls - if you look very closely, you will see the nails where some family photos once hung...I've taken down all the family pictures so Kayla and Kinley can personalize the home for themselves.

the beautiful turquoise necklace Allen made several years ago

stressed look/tired eyes/phony smile as lurking in the back of my mind is this thought:

"What else can I possibly remove from my suitcase - it weighs well over 50 punds and I've already removed all non-essential items - (I do need chocolate, right)?"

Okay, enough with the self-portraits - once was more than enough!

1 comment:

  1. And, I love the haircut! Just pay extra for the chocolate, it will be worth it.
